Daily Archives: July 3, 2017

Black Bold Lines 13 || Faith

Don’t stand on the blind spot

Don’t mess up that one shot

People are suffering beneath you

Trying hard to be you

Others are working hard to beat you

There is no such thing as “be you”
The you today is not the you tomorrow

We must create golds & dreams to follow

The road to dead and gone is narrow

One little mistake you get swallowed


Where I come from people appreciate

Some initiate to survive and feed their state

Where I am people don’t

Some kill to survive it’s more than initiate

All I’m saying is, make that plan

Do what you have to do to make things stand

it’s hard but who cares? few will give you a hand

Forget groupies and your shallow “boy bands”

Forget weak minds and pointless hate slang

It’s rainy season we don’t wear “shades”

Be bold, stand out, think big & let the bad vibe fade

Believe in the powers beyond and move on

This is black bold lines, code named faith


…and as always thanks for reading…




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